Camera & Light Online Course

I’m currently writing and recording different courses on the topics of cinematography, photography, and image science. These courses will range from beginner to advanced.


For beginners, we will go over the fundamentals of creating an image you’re proud of. The goal is to take as much technical and creative control over the image, instead of letting your camera guess what you want. Cinematography (or videography) shares most of its core principles with photography, so most of the content will be identical. At the end of each course will be chapters unique to each.
The topics will include :

The Lens : what lens to use, when and why : zoom, fixed, wide angle, tele-photo, macro, low-light…
Also, why do the prices vary so much ?
Triangle 1 : distance/focal length/subject size

The Exposure : how your aperture, exposure time and ISO setting all influence the look of your image
Triangle n°2 : aperture/exposure time/ISO

The Frame : What goes on inside your frame : perspective, the illusion of depth, color

Specific to cinematography/videography :

Technical specificity
: frame rate, exposure time (shutter speed), aspect ratio


• What is the RAW format ?

• The Light : the principles of natural and artificial light
Triangle 3 : intensity/direction/quality
What is a stop of light ? Measuring light

• Intro to dynamic range and sensitivity


I’m not an expert on image making as a whole, so in this section we only venture in the topics where I’m most comfortable with : Dynamic Range and Sensitivity.
Triangle n°4 : pixel size/definition/sensor size
Here we try to create the missing link between the the practitioner’s point of view (directors, cinematographers, videographers, photographers, colorists…), and the engineers and image scientists that design their tools (cameras, their sensors and their algorithms). This course tries to bridge the knowledge camp between these two groups of people.